Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Own Personal Store

I do have a store, truly. I am an "Independent Business Owner" with an online store front for telecommunications and energy services. Check it out.

Nest Eggs and Sweet Savings

My savings on my telecommunications bills allows me to pay for keeping Chickens and Bees. My eggs are yummier and my honey tastes double sweet....paid for by savings on my phone and TV bills alone. 

If you want to see if I can save you money too for your personal pursuits, I broker these services: 

  • home phones
  • internet
  • cell phones 
  • TV 
  • home security and automation 
  • computer support
  • natural gas and electricity in deregulated states

Just fill out this customer survey by clicking on this link and filling it in right on your computer...isn't that slick!  (See url below). 

Now save the survey to your computer. Next, attach it to an email and send it back to me at  I'll get back to you within a day or so to let you know what I can save you. 

Rule Your Roost!